Saturday, December 09, 2006

1984 Trans Am, Thermo Fans.

I had a thought to play around with my thermo fan.
now I have had a quick look at this in the past and I knew first time I saw it I would have to do some work to it, There is only one thermo and no fan shroud on either side of it.
I have been looking at wrecked cars and found that magnas have a 14" 4 blade and a 12" 6 blade the 14" is on when the engine gets warm and the 12" comes on when it is hotter, the 12" runs 2x the speed and flows like 1.5x the amount of the 14" one so I gutted two wrecked magnas and used the two 12" fans.
One is wired through the old wiring loom that the car had on the old fan but I hooked a small green LED light up to it and have it in the cab next to a switch, The switch is linked to a solenoid under the hood and is hooked up to the second fan.
Now the green light is there to tell me when the first fan is coming on and when it is going off so I know if I need the second fan.
170* normal, 220/230* real hot weather (45'C day) or when loaded up for a while (up hill on 38'C day)
Here is a little pic (wiring not complete here).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Steve looks like you are having alot of fun with your little toy ill have to get somthing like this for my baby, she used to be a stock 1987 N13 Pulsar hatch, no she is a White SR20 rocket!!!! Good work and goodluck with future work!
